Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering

Summer School 2009: Many-Core Processors for Science and Engineering Applications

Applications due: May 18
Notification of applicants: June 15
Summer school: Aug. 10-14, 2009

C, C++, Java, or equivalent programming knowledge

Wen-mei Hwu, Sanders-AMD Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and David B. Kirk, NVIDIA Fellow, NVIDIA Corporation

This summer school course will provide graduate students with knowledge and hands-on experience in developing applications software for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources.

By end of the summer school, participants will:

High-definition streaming video will enable students to participate from multiple locations:

Students will be directed to the most geographically convenient location whenever possible.

Participating graduate students will have access to a 32-node cluster at NCSA.

Note: Students are expected to bring their own laptops. Laptop computers will not be provided for participants.

Also note: Download and print out this invitation letter for students needing to obtain visas to attend the Many-Core workshop. (PDF)

The Virtual School is also having a summer school on Scaling to Petascale.

Video presentations, lessons, and other resources from the first summer school offered by the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering, which focused on GPU and multicore processors, are available online.